Photography archives of the year 2013, photography by Sander de Wilde, photographer in Brussels, Belgium.
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34 imagesBrussels Belgium 6th December 2013. At the South African Embassy in Brussels people gather. Nelson Mandela died just yesterday.They can sign a book at this table with picture flower and candle.
33 images13 oktober 2013 BRUSSEL I BX Brussels, het sociaal project/voetbalclub van Vincent Kompany speelt deze A-ploeg vierde klasser een wedstrijd tegen Sterrebeek in stadion Jette.
17 imagesFiremen in Brussels occupied the streets of Brussels and made fire. They protest agains future cuts, and want to talk to prime minister di Rupo and vice prime minister Reynders.
68 images20130926 Ex smokers are unstoppable event in Brussels organized by the European Commission with Bob Sinclar. A big present
58 imagesAbout a 100 Afghan refugees protested at the ministry of Asylum and Migration.They want minister Maggie De Block (Open Vld) to give be more humane with Belgiums asylum rules, and they don't want to be deported back to Afghanistan. Brussels 13th of September 2013. ©
27 imagesBrussel 12 september 2013 Br(ik opent nieuwe Br(ikHuis Wolvengracht in aanwezigheid van minister Pascal Smet, in de Vlaamse regering bevoegd voor Brussel. rondleiding aan Wolvengracht 23-25 te 1000 Brussel. Briklist flyers
29 imagesBrussels 9 september 2013. About 200 Afghans in Brussels occupied a former refugee center out of protest of them being sent back to Afghanistan, while their asylum procedure was refused in Belgium.Two man sit on their beds, waiting for the future.
6 images2 Juli 2013 wedstrijden van de Belgian Homeless Cup onder het afdak van de oude abbatoirs van Cureghem. Asielzoekers, daklozen en hulpverleners spelen de hele dag voetbalwedstrijden.
13 imagesNapoleon inspecting the troups. The Battle of Waterloo was re-enacted this weekend 22 & 23 June 2013 in Waterloo, Belgium by a few hundred actors in the fields near Waterloo, where Napoleon Bonaparte and his French army were conquered almost 200 years ago, in 1815, by soldiers of England, Scotland, Prussia, and the Netherlands.
27 imagesFor the Wall Street Journal. Interior architect Thierry THENAERS looking at the Chateau d'Anthée, part of which has been renovated and decorated by him in Anthée, Belgium on the 10th of June 2013, Anthée, Belgium.
8 imagesA pic nic was held on the street in the center of Brussels, to "reclaim the streets and the public place". Hundreds picnicked to demand a carfree citycenter. The event was not officially permitted.
38 imagesBrussels sunday 9th of June 2013. Boulevard Anspach. A pic nic was held on the street in the center of Brussels, to "reclaim the streets and the public place". Hundreds picnicked to demand a carfree citycenter. The event was not officially permitted.
11 imagesBrussel 1st Juni 2013. A few hundred Turkish Belgiums protested at the European Parliament against Turkish prime minister Erdogan and the use of gas against demonstrators in Istanbul.Turkish young men at the demonstration in white suit and with red flag.
8 imagesAnti austerity protest at the Belgian senate. About 100 socialist wanted to visit the senate. One of them got undressed to show how Belgian citizens should feel and he was thrown out by MP.
8 imagesIn het kader van de politie rekruteert, had de politie een parcour uitgezet waar kinderen van verschillende Brusselse scholen kennis konden maken met de verschillende onderdelen. Aan het einde werd er een groepsfoto in politie tenue gemaakt. Warandepark, Brussel
13 imagesBrussels, Belgium saturday 4th of May. The European institutions in Brussels and elsewhere in Europe organised the Festival of Europe. Citizens and other interested visitors could visit the parliament, discuss with high-level speakers or gather information at th many info-stands.
62 images30th April 2013 Amsterdam, Netherlands. Dam Square. Queen Beatrix' abdication takes place, and her son Prince Willem-Alexander will be King of the Netherlands. Some Dutch make fun in orange clouds of smoke that came from some pots. Photographers gathered around the smoke
23 imagesBelgium, Brussels 23rd april 2013. Duch Christian political party CDA opened a photography exhibition in the European Parliament today. The pictures concern the Dutch Royal family, with Queen Beatrix. The Queen's abdication and the investiture of King Willem-Alexander, now Prince of Orange, will take place on 30 April 2013 in Amsterdam.
18 imagesBrussels 20130419 A small group of people from Georgia demonstrate in front of the European Commission. They state to be for Europa and against influence of Russia. Small boys wear the traditional Georgian fur hats called Chokha,part of their proud cultural heritage.
55 imagesBrussels,Laken, April 19th 2013. Two weeks a year the Royal Greenhouses,next to the royal palace of King Albert, are open to the public. King Leopold II built the first art nouveau greenhouse in 1874, designed by the French architect Alphonse Balat. a unique collection of exotic flowers, plants and trees is still being cultivated in the giant heated greenhouses, on the premises of the Belgian Royal family.
6 imagesEuropean Commission DG Trade Director Mauro Petriccione listens to Japan's Ambassador in charge of economic diplomacy Jun Yokota at the Square meeting centre in Brussels, Belgium on Monday, April 15, 2013. The European Union (EU) and Japan began a first round of talks on Monday to clinch one of the world's biggest free-trade deals in hopes of providing a boost for their faltering economies
10 imagesThe evacuation of 200 people after a gasleak was made by roadworkers in the near to the EU institutions. Brussel, Etterbeek 2013 16 april bewoners van de Rue de l'Etang bij de Waversesteenweg worden geevacueerd nadat straatwerkers een groot gaslek veroorzaakten. Brandweer evacueerd de buurt.
18 imagesBrussels, Belgium tuesday 19th of March 2013. Queen Fabiola of Belgium, a religious catholic, visits the holy mass in th Saint Michael and Saint Gudule Cathedral for Pope Francis's pontificate. The Mass was celebrated by Archbishop André-Joseph Leonard, Primate of Belgium. Close up of Fabiola with her right hand in a bandage. credits SANDERDEWILDE
25 imagesBrussel 12 maart 2013. Zware sneeuwbuien teisteren geheel Belgie. De langste files sinds tijden. Het verkeer, bussen, treinen hebben veel last van de sneeuw.In het centrum van de stad Brussel (Nieuwstraat) hangen vrolijk gekleurde reclameborden met bloesem en fietsplezier. Op straat was iets minder zonnig. De lente is ver te zoeken.
8 imagesAt the Forum for the Future of Agriculture in Brussels on 7th of March 2013,people remove a small field with crops in the center of Brussels,installed there a few days before to illustrate the importance of feeding bees and protecting the environment. Maize plants being removed by a big man, with flowers in the foreground
3 imagesAt the Forum for the Future of Agriculture in Brussels on 5th of March 2013,Syngenta organized a small field with crops in the center of Brussels, illustrating the importance of feeding bees and protecting the environment.
22 imagesTrainstation Liège-Guillemins (LUIK) in Belgium. Details of the architecture of this majestic trainstation. Liège-Guillemins railway station is the main station of the city of Liège, the third largest city in Belgium. It is one of the most important hubs in the country, designed by the architect Santiago Calatrava made of steel, glass and white concrete.
13 imagesWoluwe-Saint-Lambert. 20 februari 2013 Jongeren bezig met houtsnedes in jongerencentrum Antichambre asbl - Zij zullen na het drukken van de houtsnedes op grote vellen papier, in het mim, muziekinstrumentenmuseum , een performance ondersteunen tijdens de museum nightfever.Een zwart geinkte houtgravure, met de workshop in de spiegel gereflecteerd.
59 imagesSpanish Economy Minister Luis de Guindos Jurado, left, greets with French Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici, right, during the Eurogroup meeting, at the European Council building in Brussels, Monday, Feb. 11, 2013. Finance ministers from the 17 euro countries gathering in Brussels Monday have another important item on their agenda on top of the usual run-down of problems facing the region.
45 imagesleaving the EU Budget summit at the European Council building for a break in Brussels, Friday, Feb. 8, 2013. A European Union summit to decide EU spending for the next seven years entered a second day after all-night negotiations left a standoff over spending unresolved. The leaders of the 27 nations inched toward a compromise Friday that would leave their common budget with a real-term cut for the first time in the EU's history.
30 imagesheads of state arrive for the first day of the European Leaders (EU) summit at the European Council headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, on Thursday, February 7, 2013. EU leaders braced for all-night negotiations in Brussels to try and strike a deal on EU spending for the next seven years
16 imagesBRUSSELS 5 february 2013 Staff in the EU Council joined a strike in front of the commission's main building :Berlaymont against cuts and commission wages..In a repeat of last November, the action comes 48 hours before EU leaders meet for talks on the Union's ?1 trillion, 2014-to-2020 budget.
39 imagesBrussels, Belgium 4th February 2013. Belgium's most notorious criminal Dutroux has asked a court to grant him early release from prison. .The lawyer of Dutroux, Pierre Deutsch talks to other lawyers before the trial. Marc Dutroux was convicted of abducting, imprisoning and raping six young girls in 2004.
80 imagesThe Belgian Royal family organized a newyears drink at the Royal Palace. They received the entire federal government and other political heads. In his speech King Albert said sorry for the problems Queen Fabiola caused with the set up of an inheritance foundation that was widely criticized as a dodge to shield some of her fortune from the tax man.Belgian King Albert humbled by criticism
26 imagesBrussels, Belgium 25 january 2013. 6 Busses with unionist came from Liege, Luik to Brusels today. Arcelor Mittal wants to fire 1200 people. The workers want help from the government. While a delegation talks to the ministers, the other unionist confronted the police.
26 imagesBrussel, Belgie 2013 24 januari, Topondernemer is een nieuw televisieprogramma van de VRT. Portretten van de juryleden vlnr Jan Kriekels, CEO van Jaga NV, Inge Geerdens, CEO van CVWarehouse, en Wouter Torfs, CEO van Torfs schoenen. Portretten van de presentatrice Evy Gruyaert.
18 imagesBelgium Brussels 2013 january 15 snow falls in Europe. Biking in the Jubelpark is quite dangerous. In the back you see the Jubelboog, to celebrate Belgium King Leopold I
34 imagesAn anthropological research on used christmas trees in Brussels. The first sunday of the new year they're all put on the sidewalk before it's former owners. Today they will be collected by the municipal garbagemen, to be demolished after having spread love around for a few weeks in December.
10 imagesBrussel 2 januari 2013 Einde van de sperperide: Solden uitverkoop voorbereidingen. Winkeliers in de Nieuwstraat halen de kerstetalages leeg en zetten in op de uitverkoop periode die morgen 3 januari begint.Een vrouw kijkt alvast in een schoen tassen etalage